While communication is widely accepted as a critical leadership competency, far too many executives, supervisors and managers are unable to write messages that support—rather than subvert—their ability to lead others.
Only about a third of U.S. workers are engaged in their jobs, according to a Gallup poll. If you’re a leader or manager, you can make a difference—by writing in a way that engages employees.
Learn how to master one of the most important social media writing skills: composing compelling responses to others’ posts to increase the likelihood that the person will engage with you.
Most people fail miserably at persuasive writing because they view the issue only from their own one-sided perspective. If you want to convince readers to purchase your product, embrace your ideas or understand your position, address their WIIFM.
I don’t know about you, but I find it much easier to convey my tone when I talk than when I write. Learn how to be more productive by altering your writing tone.