Writing with rhythm

Writing with rhythm

Insert connectors for smoother flow.

Just like your favorite music, your words need to deliver a satisfying rhythm. To keep your text in tune, use connectors—transition words or phrases.

Notice how the connectors in Example 2 below provide seamless transitions from one thought to the next.

Example 1: No rhythm without connectors

Wiring money is a relatively simple procedure. Many of LX Bank’s customers had for several years been making errors that delayed the completion of their transfers. Mixing up the routing and account numbers was an example of the common mistakes they made.

The bank sent a Wire Transfer Guidelines document to customers in 2022. It found that 35% fewer errors were made by customers since the guidelines were distributed.

Example 2: Writing with rhythm—using connectors

Wiring money is a relatively simple procedure, but many of LX Bank’s customers had for several years made errors that delayed the completion of their transfers. For example, they mixed up the routing and account numbers.

To address this issue, in 2022 the bank sent a Wire Transfer Guidelines document to customers. Since then, 35% fewer errors have been made

Easily apply rhythm in writing

Learn more about using connectors and other strategies for writing with rhythm so your words flow smoothly.

Writing with rhythm
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